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JAMIIE is a DJ and producer with German Nigerian roots based in Berlin. She sees herself as a selector who loves to bring music to the people, using it as a cross-cultural language.

Her musical taste and choice of sound is influenced by her African roots, closely intertwined with her early experiences with House & Techno when she discovered "The Steve Mason Experience'' on BFBS radio.

Her sophisticated and beautifully crafted DJ sets are defined by vast electronic sounds. The emotionally charged atmosphere, the alternating deep, melodic and synthesizer-kissed components are in a constant synergy, colored by a rhythmic, percussive and spiritual energy. When playing, her infectious smile, cheerfulness and inexhaustible presence behind the decks electrifies the crowd in no time, enflaming dance floors worldwide.

JAMIIE's releases and remixes on Watergate Records, Monaberry, My Other Side Of The Moon and Wired are gaining her notably attention and there is more to come soon.

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