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Watermelon Man

monolog, Bill Summers

Dippin' Records
DR0006 | 2024-03-22  
Yuki Kanesaka, the multi-instrumentalist/Producer who's been the Mastermind behind his monolog project recordings is back with the delicious uptempo cover of 'Watermelon Man'. He indulges us with star-studded features of Bill Summers, the percussionist of the Headhunters and Curtis 'Fitz' Williams, the musical director and keyboardist/saxophonist of Kool & the Gang.

The backstory is, Yuki traveled all the way to Bill Summer's home studio on Valence Street, New Orleans to record Bill playing a variety of alluring percussive instruments. That includes playing the Hindewhu, a style of singing/whistle-playing of Central Africa mixed with a Peruvian Pan flute Zampona much like the infectious Headhunters version. Other notable instrumentations include congas, shekere, and Bill's hand scratching used as a human shaker.

Curtis Williams plays the lead soprano sax melody we all know and love, with some added clavinet sweetness that add extra sugar to the watermelon funk.

With the special drum break version of the tune 'Bill's Valence Street Jam', you can really savor the mouthwatering groove of the Watermelon Man. Both tracks are performed, produced, mixed, and recorded by monolog aka Yuki Kanesaka.

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