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That Electro Shit EP

DJ Godfather

Databass Records
DB-110 | 2023-06-02  
At the tail end of 2021 DJ Godfather released 'This Detroit Thing Of Ours'. Like his 'Electro Beats For Freaks' album the previous year, it featured an abundance of tracks which segued into one another – 46 tracks in total with a running time of nearly 2 hours. This is a man who likes to break all the album rules!

Full of variety, the album covered genres like Electro, Techno, House and Ghetto Tech alongside collaborations with DJ Deeon, Goodmoney G100, King Saaidi, Gettoblaster & Missy, Lil Mz 313, Ricky Burns, JPE, Parkhouse and Dan Diamond.

Revisiting that epic album, DJ Godfather is releasing a series of EPs which feature full length versions, alternative mixes, acapellas and instrumentals of some of those tracks.

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